Italian marble floor new design style  2012-02-10 17:02:45  Popularity Index:0  Source:Internet

The warmth, romance and sophistication of Italian design.Sounds nice!Do you want to have a try?Today, decorating your living room with Italian marble floor.Italian wine cellar, patio and internal room function real bitterness type of floor, so choose adornment style, reflect this isolated mood.In addition, the appearance of the ceramic tiles copy of the rough stone, ceramic tile or nostalgic Mosaic in gold, brown and rusty family are all very excellent choice you put the marble floors and walls theme.Add the great Italian flavor of the grand masters to your new home choose wall of the famous painting plant created reproductions, Michelangelo, botticelli and adornment multimedia Italian art points everything from clus plaques and grape wine bottles.Italian wine labels and framed, alone cardboard hung in a small room regional grid light up, when it's time to clothes shelf antique table and ambry, the wine bottle and silk group standing position or grape clusters.Design Toscano head or touch extracurricular unique find that you will be a variety of beautiful and quirky Italy-inspired decoration products in two.